Friday, November 23, 2007

Cycle over

Well this cycle has come to a crashing end... a week early too... had spotting last night only a few wipes paniced and thought af was here but a friend said it could of been implantation.. being day 7 after transfer and all so i thought about it and yeh maked perfect sense to me... but well it wasnt AF is here with a vengeance with shocking cramps and i feel sick as.. so looks like nothing will be happening till next year now i'm gutted so much has been happening in my life right now i dont think i can cope with this and everything else so i'm gonna go on a break till late january from any treatment... well so i say now hey i will just have to ride it out i spose ok well i'm off

Monday, November 19, 2007


Well i am now 4 days after my transfer.. sigh it goes so slow i just want this to hurry up so i can get on with my life one way or the other.. either i'm pregnant or i'm not.. if i am fantastic but i have a back up plan if i'm not preg then i will be hittin the gym big time already in in those 2 weeks leadong up to my transfer i managed to get 3.5 kilos off and i can actually notice the difference yay!! so if im not i wanna get off a futher 10 or so kilos before going back in for another transfer... get my body up and being healthier for future transfers... sigh i'm talking like this one has no chance at all.. oh wel 10 days left till my blood test.. just gotta wait it out..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

8 cells woot wooo

Hey everyone.. had my beautiful 8 cell emby transfered straight in so excited when they bought it up for the visual check of my name etc and to see the emby before it was transfered i got the shock of my life as i'm sittin there baring all to the world i went omg that got a few more calls then the other one haha my fs laughed and said yeh coz its a day older then your last one hehe...My FS said that my chances of conceiving from this one are really really good basically double that of the last one, in his words "were almost there" It was good i was a little sad that mike wasnt there and now i didnt even get a pic but hopefully i'll get to the ultrasound and then yeh yay!!
oh my fs said because i cant remember the exact words.. but basically said my girly bits were all easy to access and where they should be .. i'll have a much higher chance as the transfer is less invasive and no corners to go around etc and i didnt bleed from it so yeh things should be all good this time

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


My little snow baby is being put back in on the 15th i promise i will update this!!

I"m baaackkkk

Well i'm back.. i got all wrapped up in the last cycle and forgot to blog here as i was doing alot on other sites... here is the rundown of my feelings from the past blogs about my last stim cycle

07 Sep 2007

And here we go
Current mood: apathetic

Well alot has been happening in my world lately.. well ok not that much, I have strarted IVF cycle 2 and i'm just pluggin along spraying crap up my nose twice a day puttin up witht eh blood noses and moody bitch moods.. ok well mike is putting up with them and just hoping that it will all be worth it and make it to epu this time.. the last cycle really threw me alot harder then i ever thought it would, but i got on with it, its what u have to do, life goes on.. so what it didnt work.. pick up ur shit and move on, lifes to short to cry over things that are out of your control, yeh sounds good huh now i just gotta remember that heh So i'm now half way thru my cycle looking at starting stim injections on the 14th if my stupid ass body reacts properly and is ready for it! On a more positive note i went out last night for the first time in ages and i really enjoyed myself,, didnt go for long but it was worth every minute i think even mike had some sort of fun, were goin out again tonight too headin to playhouse which we havent been for aaaaaaaaaaaages.
Well i'll leave it there

14 Sep 2007

Injecting.. Current mood: excited

I start injections tomorrow yay bring on the follies!! 1 more week and i'll be in the city finding out how many eggies my ovarys have made and then hopefully the 24th i will have them all harvested and fertalised and 1 put back on the 26th and by mid october get my positive test yay.. yes positive thinking yay

** Side note**
Started stimming on 225 gonal f - was uped to 300 when nothing was happening..

02 Oct 2007
Emby on Board

There is my perfect 4 cell embryo all nicely now tucked up inside me..
And guess what else.. we have 3 more just like it on ice!!
We had a perfect fertalisation of the 5 eggs 1 was immature so it was discarded, the other 4 were nice and mature so into the fertalisation process they went and all 4 of them turned into perfect 4 cell embys!!!The nurse and FS were all shocked at the great outcome because apparantly its really rare for this to happen!!
100% success!! I cant beleive i have one in me now and in 2 weeks i could get some awesome news!! We are just over the moon and i had to share with everyone my good news and pic

17 Oct 2007

And Now theres nothing

Well my IVF was going great, after some light spotting i rang my FS who srent me straight for a bloodtest.. so basically i was told on saturday i was pregnant.. had to have a follow up blood test on monday to check levels were rising and well that one confirmed my worst fears, and my hcg had dropped down from 77 to 13, so i am miscarrying my little one, My nurse said it is fantastic that i got this far and should be proud of myself for overcoming everything i had against me to get implantation is great, i feel so guilty, and so mad, and every other feeling its so horrible, no one should have to go thru this in the space of 2 days i have gone from being absolutely ecstatic to being lost.. i'm not really understanding my emotions, as bad as this is going to sound i feel like i have had a lead weight off my shoulders, i finally know what is/has happened and its a great relief, yesterday i was a blithering mess and wiped myself out from crying and alcohol, i woke up this morning to a new day, and i refuse to let myself fall to pieces any longer, I cant change what has happened and i just have to accept that this little emby didnt make it, but i have 3 more chances and hope to whatevers out there that one of them will make it and i will hold them in my arms eventually. I have made the descion to take a month or two off, let my body have a rest i have had that much hormone thru my body since june i need to have this break, to cleanse my body and i am joining weight watchers on thursday night, time to stop sitting on my a$$ letting the weight stack on and being depressed over it, action needs to be taken so action will be, no more excuses, i hope to by getting that extra 10 or so kilos off that i have allowed to stack on this year, my little embys will have a better chance and i will be a healthier being to carry them in.