Thursday, July 26, 2007

Day 56

I just got home from the city and it turns out my 6 follicles have not even grown a single mm.. the only thing that has grown is a 6-7cm cyst on my left ovary so my most dreaded thought has happened.. they have cancelled my cycle, so i am waiting for the clinic to call me to tell me what to do next, when i was having the scan the lady said my endometrium was a good size but then started shaking her head as she was measuring the follicles, and goes to me well its not good news, they havent grown at all, so i said ok so more injections then and she said most likely they will cancel my cycle.. shattered my heart dropped and she goes right i'll write this up for you and that was it i was given the gesture to leave so i walked outta there got my paperwork went to the clinic and the nurse was nice enough just told me they have to double check with Dr Tsaltas with by the looks of this the cycle is over, i havent had my injection yet just my nose spray as instructed..and here we go waiting again.. she said they will call me before 12.. the ultrasound lady was worried about the cyst because of its size, my endo is also everywhere so the gonal basically just fed my endo and the cyst nothing left for the folicles i spose.. i've already got the oh well next cycle then, dont worry it will happen.. all the things u dont wanna hear and i'm just over this whole thing, i dont think i will go back n start a new cycle straight away, might have a few months off n try n loose some weight n see how that goes, with my endo everytwhere i doubt i will conceive naturally so yeh i will just put it in the back of my mind ( yeh right who ami kidding) n try to get on with it..

Day 54

Well i hd my scan today and yep i was right.. 4 follicles on the left (20,11,10,9) and 2 on the right (9,7) only 1 big enough so they are uping my gonal from 150 to 187.5 for the next 2 days and re-scan on day 56... fingers crossed they get bigger