Friday, August 27, 2010

Logan's Nursery & 36 weeks

Well heres my belly lol!! Now for the nursery.. We decided on doing a jungle theme for our little guy! Daddy wanted to do a superman theme! bah i dont think so!!
I was doing all the work so i figure its only fair I get to pick the theme hehe, so i drew up all the lines, the measuring the marking, the taping and then finally the painting! i had forgotten how much work it is to do all these stripes!! But it is soooo worth it!!

The trytych was painted by Mikes grandmother, she is a very talented artist so we figured who better then to do the gorgeous artwork for our lil mans room!!

The mobile, was recycled from Marlies room, It use to have bright pink/purple/orange and yellow balls and jungle animals hanging off it... sooooo did not fit in with this room, but the orange/green/yellow base of it did, so i just cut all the old things off and attatched some little stuffed animals and i must say it has come up really well!! So there is a lion, monkey and elephant hanging off it now! I also went with the jungle themed bumper and cot set, which i had been eyeing off at baby bunting for a few weeks and was lucky enough to just wonder in one day and find the whole set for less then half price!! woo hooo cant beat that! So Here are some piccies :D

Thursday, August 19, 2010

35 weeks

Heres my belly from this morning, he has dropped heaps!

Had my OB appointment today and yep his head is nice and snug down low, not that it matters where he is really anymore, Our ceaser is booked in, did all the paperwork today and handed it to the midwives so we have a date our little guy will be here , I have to monitor my blood pressure closely from here on in as its on the way up and if it breaks over what its already at they will re-access the situation and he could be here earlier but as it stands we dont have much longer left anyway! And its definately a boy as he finally decieded to show us his bits and there is definately a big set of ballies in there!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Im a doushebag...
i was bored so made this header for my blog...
made it more "me"
i should probly have something about mike n marlie in there but meh im having a ME ME ME day hahaha
do you like the new layout?

Monday, August 16, 2010

having a weird ole day..

almost 35 weeks...
only a few more short weeks till our little man is evicted and he will be here in our arms...
how odd...
is it weird that it still hasnt sunk in that we're having another baby... i think until im in there on the table and they bring him over the curtain for us to see i dont think it will be real... hes making me very headachey and i know im pregnant.. trust me i know it lol but the idea that there is actually going to be a baby at the end of it seems so foreign n strange...

Friday, August 13, 2010


It turns out my whinging isnt all for nothing, I decided to take a trip to the GP yesterday after coughing up more crap and thinking that my "cold" maybe wasnt just a cold after all or a vial infection that keeps gettin told to me by my OB... and well i have a chest and throat infection and my sinus has been playing up too which is probly whats been causing most of my stupid headaches, so i am on antibiotics now and hopefully i start getting better, i have been back on my multi-vitamins for a few days now too which i dunno if they are doing much but im taking them none the less, next check up with my OB is next thursday arvo so get to see our lil guy again as i get a scan at every visit.. one of the perks of being private he has a machine in his rooms, but mind u bubba is so big now u cant really tell what ur looking at anyway lol as long as i see his heart beating away its all good for me, we do all the paperwork at the next appointment for the ceaser too.. ahh the joys.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


my heads pounding, i have a cold or flu or something starting, im tired my hips hurt and i wana go to bed.
that is all... whinge whinge whinge

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

34 weeks!!

Hello Belly!

Friday, August 6, 2010

1 day!

till my blessingway!
something completely different and new to me and i am very honored my good friends Kintara & JenJen are organising it for me! Its VERY hard for me not to take over things and i was asked to surrender complete control lol so i have been kept out of the planning and well everything so i have no idea what tomorrow will bring lol i just hope my friends turn up and bring the things they were asked too =D
None of my sisters will be present which is a little annoying and hurtful but they arent interested in "that hippy shit" and would be "uncomfortable" so have chosen not to attend... pfft oh well the people who will be here are the ones that care enough to step outside there comfort zone for a few hours and i thank them in advance..

P.S - We have a date for Logans arrival as he will be coming via ceaser which sorta contradicts the whole meaning of having a blessingway but as i was trying for a VBAC and i only found out yesterday this plan wont be going ahead due to my already rising blood pressure (148/88) and other complications due to previous surgerys for my endometriosis and the previous ceaser, the safest way for us is to have another surgical delivery..

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


ok im bored...
i have cleaned the house...
i am sitting here contemplating what to pack in my hospital bag...
i went and got the layby today and got a flat tyre while i was there... thank god my stepdad was able to come and change it for me, something i hated having to do.. the whole damsel in distress thing, had i not been pregnant i woulda done it myself.. its not rocket surgery but my 18" alloy wheels are just to heavy to be lugging around with the belly, not worth the risk of damaging myself but yeh so he came to my rescue lol =D
But it was worth the trip to baby bunting even with the flat tyre as i was able to get the cot set i had been eyeing off that i kept saying no im not gettin it too expensive cant justify it blah blah blah for less then half price hooorah!
So Logans room is almost done and finished woot

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

33 Weeks

Holy snappin duckshit... theres not long to go now... just took this before i got dressed...
i need to take an arvo photo i think i look tiny for only 7 weeks till term... although he will be evacuated in more like 5-6 weeks

This Arvo's photo... now that hes come off my back and i may of eaten a big lunch hahaha but looks more like how i feel hehehe