Friday, February 26, 2010

headbo? hatbo?



Oh yes she is very special, after watching daddy put her bumbo on his head like a helmut Miss Marlie has decieded this is the true puropse of the bumbo and now continuously walks around the front loungeroom with it on her head... completely blinded by the back of it... we have luckily had no accidents as yet but its bloody heavy and im surprised her neck can take the weight, if u take it off her she screams blue murder! lol my special little cherub hahaha

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Name one... sorted

So we have decieded on a girls name... it was really easy to decide actually.. the boys name is the hard part!!
I wouldnt even talk about names when i was preg with Marlie till 20 weeks but all of a sudden tonight we just started yappin about it and the girls was decieded pretty much straight away, admittedly it is one of the names we tossed around when marlie was in the tum but now i like it more then i did then and yeh it jsut works for us hooray..

Same ole same ole

I need recipes!!!
I am so sick of cooking the same shit day in day out... whats your family favorites??
dont be shy now people... share with meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Monday, February 22, 2010


Yepo i have neglected my blog... again ooops sorry

Not much has been going on, Ive been feelin pretty crappy the last couple of days, everything is still going strong in my belly i hope, i havent had any indication of anythin sinister going on, Im not really looking forward to my 12 week scan, I try not to think the worst but I have in my head that there will be something wrong, the whole "you have the ovaries of a 40yr old" is ringing in my head and I fear that there would be something wrong with my baby like downs syndrome or worse... its a feelin I cant shake I am booked in for the 9th of March but I think I will push it back another week, as according to my last scan results I will only be 11w3d and that will be to early to do the nuchual measurement, I am going for the blood test on friday when i will be 10weeks exactly.. ugh ok well I'm gonna go lay on the couch and curl up in a ball and go back the land of make believe.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Old School Rock

My whole life i was bought up around music, My mums music omg talk about the best music in history, My all time fav from my mums music is Stevie Nicks.... luv everything about her.
Her music hits a spot with me i dont know why, maybe its the memorys of my mum dancing with her friends in our loungeroom and us watching from the hall and her not knowing we were up, the free will the love the way my mother was when we werent meant to be watching. She was a free spirit, I see the way i am and i am so much like her, everyone my whole life has told me this but its not until now as a adult i can appreciate it.  Anyway some of my fav songs... :)

Rhiannon is the story of a lady that is from another world ~ called the Bright world ~ and she leaves her kingdom to become the wife of a king ~ a mortal king ~ but goddesses really can't marry mortal kings, if they do they lose their powers ~ their magic powers. And they don't lose the knowledge of them they just ~they know everything that's going to happen they just can'tdo anything about it. Which is a much more difficult way to live than not having magic powers is to not be able to use them and know exactly what's coming and to not be able to tell anybody. So she comes down and does her whole trip, and it's just a whole story ~ it's a wonderful story.

And she has these birds that sing and that is the legend of the song of the birds of Rhiannon. And they sing this song that is uh, said takes away pain and suffering and if you hear the song you just sort of blank out and go away and then when you wake up everthing's all right. And it is a wonderful, wonderful story which I use a lot, because there's a lot of ~ there seems to be a lot of need for the story of Rhiannon around lately, because if people are sad or have lost anybody or something the story really makes a lot of sense.
~Stevie Nicks, Starsound Special RKO Radio, December 21, 1981

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Male Mutilation oh excuse me Circumcision...

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010



Well it already looks like i will not be having a natural delivery, i just had my blood pressure taken and it is already 145/92
I am going to ring my doc when Marlie gets up and go and see him hopefully today, yesterday i went sorta blind in one eye then almost passed out and broke out in a cold sweat, I am 8 weeks pregnant :( none of this shit started till 33 weeks when i was preg with Marlie, so much for the it only happens once blah blah blah... fucken not happy jan.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A new thing for me

Now i beg your pardon but who the hell said i can get morning sickness!!
I had a day or 2 around week 7-8 when i was preg with Marlie but this is ridiculous, everyday i wake up feeling like i wanna puke and pass out, its a horrible feeling, i guess its a good thing and everyone keeps givin me the its gonna be boy coz this pregnancy has already been so different,  no really tender breasts, the nips are a little sensitive but nothin serious like with Marlie, the ms that has started and ugggh im not meaning to sook its just a whole different experience to what im use too lol, i am extremly lucky to even be pregnant, considering all the ivf and crap i went thru for Marlie and then well for nothing. Yay for morning sickness? lol xx

Monday, February 1, 2010

We have a heartbeat!!

So i woke up this morning and decided i wanted to go for my scan, i have been ummin an arrhin as to when i would go as i wanted it to be late enough that there would be a heartbeat, i would be so devestated if there wasnt one even if it were too early i would fear the worst, so i rang around the different scanning places and thank god CLayton had a appointment available, the guy who did my scan was really nice and really good at his job, Im a fan of him, explained everything in detail to Mike as he had a million questions as to what this n that was lol, I was right I ovulated from the right hand side, got a good corpus luteum there, almost the size of my ovary, so it is doing its job and supporting my little blob yay! We will be calling it the Blob because when Mike asked what was what the guy goes see the balloon and the blob.. well the blobs the baby
haha yay here is a piccie! terrible quality but they didnt print out a pic for us so mike to this off the screen :)
Bubby is measuring 5.5mm with a heartbeat of 113 bpm so everythin is going awesomely
6w3d according to scan so we are due the 24th of September!!