Thursday, January 14, 2010

And the phone rang...

Got the call from the doc yup def preg gotta go back next week for more bloods to confirm everything is rising n check progesterone levels but yay so far so good.

- eBz


gah already i am stressin out about loosin this baby, should of shut my mouth n  not said anything to anyone but no had the big mouth and told my mum who then insisited i tell the whole family... and what if it doesnt work out again.. so very annoyed at myself right now... did another test this m orning line cam up straight away but i don tknow if its any darker, maybe yesterday was the start of my doubling day... so i did another test on another brand and yeh the line is there but gah i guess i am still testing early thats the hard part about it... becoz i did i am scared tomorrow when AF is due shes just gonna rock in and go SURPRISE partys over...
well i just took some photos of all 3 tests and i guess todays are darker actually... hmmm the one from yesterday looks almost non existant today... wierd... what do you think??

i am in shock? denial? how on earth did i do this? as  much as i would love to thank the vitex, i only took it properly last month and this month was every other day whenever i remembered?! gah who cares, everyone just cross your fingers for me please!