Monday, September 20, 2010

Logans Arrival

Well i know he's been here for almost 2 weeks already!! 
The ceasarian was great, I arrived at the hospital at 6am for my 8am surgery, I was taken to my room and told to unpack and take it easy, they did my obs, BP was ok a little high but nothin for them to stress over, the anethatist came in around  7.30 and i was told it wouldnt be long till someone came and got me for theatre, and he wasnt wrong, he basically left the room to go off to do an epidural for a lady in labour and about 7.45 they arrived for me, I was taken into the waiting area and then once they did all there checks again and identity checks etc i was taken to the theatre waiting area where i was having a good ole chat to the anethatist nurse, and my obstetrician came in and said good morning etc etc, the anethatist arrived just after 8, he had been held up with the epidural he was doing , so they put the bung in my arm and then i was taken into theatre, he actually did the spinal block while i was sitting on the operating table, hunched over in some guys crutch lol i was havin a good ole giggle to myself as my ass and back was exposed to the entire theatre haha, so once the spinal was done just had to wait for it to start actually working... waited and waited and waited...then finally the warmth overtook my legs and finally after a good 10 minutes till i couldnt feel my toes anymore... it was time to start... my doctor was singing as he was doing what he does.. i cant think what the song was but that made me laugh too coz it was some old love song, then i felt the familiar tugs and pushes - best way to describe it.. like having a tooth pulled... then the announcement came ok ready i felt a massive push somewhere around my left ribs and then a few seconds later " aww here baby comes, big head, chubby cheeks" and then the most amazing sound my baby screamed the theatre down haha just like his sister! I asked "it is a boy i hope" and got told "well have a look for yourself" and he was lifted over the curtain and yup there was his doodle! i got the love rush... that thing they all talked about that i never got with marlie due to me being so sick.. i didnt take my eyes off him as he was taken over to the resuss table to have his cord cut.. mike went over and did that and to have his checks done by the pead, then Mike bought him back over, I had told the midwives he was not under any circumstances other then life threatening to be taken away from me as i wanted to feed him and have skin to skin asap, the cheeky bitches asked again if they could take him i said no way... then everything went a lil bad for me, my BP spiked and i felt like i was going to be sick and had massive chest pains.. so yet again i couldnt behave myself during "birth" and I wasnt actually able to even hold Logan till i got into recovery, which was my choice as i didnt feel i could hold him safely, it took them a lil while and quite a few drugs to get me stable enough and for me to stop shaking like a leaf, so yeh we got into recovery and i was able to have skin to skin and it was lovely i held my babe so close, and guided him to my breast and it took him a few minutes but he got the idea and sucked like a champ,  he stayed on my chest skin to skin for over 4 hours and then i finally let them weigh and measure him and he was dressed but came straight back to me again.  I pretty much got everything my way this time around, yes i had an elective ceasarian, its nothing to be ashamed off, i wanted to vbac but this was in my opinion the safest option for my family. 
So without futher ado 

Logan William 
7pound 8ounces - 3.4 kilo
50cm long
35cm head