So i woke up this morning and decided i wanted to go for my scan, i have been ummin an arrhin as to when i would go as i wanted it to be late enough that there would be a heartbeat, i would be so devestated if there wasnt one even if it were too early i would fear the worst, so i rang around the different scanning places and thank god CLayton had a appointment available, the guy who did my scan was really nice and really good at his job, Im a fan of him, explained everything in detail to Mike as he had a million questions as to what this n that was lol, I was right I ovulated from the right hand side, got a good corpus luteum there, almost the size of my ovary, so it is doing its job and supporting my little blob yay! We will be calling it the Blob because when Mike asked what was what the guy goes see the balloon and the blob.. well the blobs the baby
haha yay here is a piccie! terrible quality but they didnt print out a pic for us so mike to this off the screen :)
Bubby is measuring 5.5mm with a heartbeat of 113 bpm so everythin is going awesomely
6w3d according to scan so we are due the 24th of September!!