Thursday, December 30, 2010

a 2006-2010 wrap up... sorta lol

"Ramblings of IVF Fingerling" was originally created as a diary for me while i went on my journey with IVF, We had been ttc #1 since sept 2005, this blog was originally a written memoir of my stupid thoughts whilst going thru the motions of IVF.. so far this is what we have done::

TTC since SEPT 2005

Laporoscopy & Hyst: Oct 05, Feb 06, Oct 06, Feb 07, Dec 07, Feb 09

** All found severe endo (stage 4), webbing, adhesions, cysts etc**

IVF #1 - Cancelled ~ Not enough Follies

IVF #2 - Fresh Transfer - "Emby" BFP - MC 5w , 3 frozen snow babys

FET #1 - "Emby V 2.0" 15/11/07 -BFN

FET #2 - "Hercules" 15/2/08 - BFP edd 5/11/08..

Our precious little girl Marlie Louise arrived on the 16/10/08 at 5.54pm by Emergency Ceaser due to me suffering from severe Pre Eclampsia at 37w1d, 7 pound, 47.5cm perfect in everyway, I had spent the few weeks before her arrival in and out of hospital and then spent 3 days in coronary care after her birth, I was one sick mumma! But it was all worth it and I couldnt wait to do it all again!!  

June 08 - "Goliath" FET#4 - BFN

August 08- IVF#3 - NO RESPONCE - Cancelled cycle

October 08- IVF #4 - Only 1 single follie, 1 embryo -"Nemo" multinucleated - no transfer

I was basically told I was in early menopause along with my stage 4 endo and that i needed to take a break to let my system rest.. personally i think it was the fact they did a down regulation cycle with me... the pill completely fucks with my system... anyway so yeh we made the descion there will basically be no more IVF for us, with the price hike, the lack of medicare rebate and my failure to respond in past treatments ( I was on the highest dose available and responded worse then a 40 yr old!) it seemed like a lost cause, so we got on with our life and though well we will just enjoy our time with Marlie and get on with life as a family of 3 :D

Enjoy the ride...

Or so we thought...

I started taking a natural herb called Vitex.. we had tried it before when we were trying for Marlie and it got us no where but thought what the hell a $17 bottle of herbs is worth a shot.. beats over 6k per cycle we were paying in IVF fees... so new years day i walk into the bedroom with a positive ovulation test... ;P

JAN 13th 2010 I take a test, i had been feeling queasy and not myself.. I thought oh its probly just the lingering effects from the copious amounts of alcohol from my cousins joint birthday a few days before... well


Our Little Boy, Logan William was due the 22nd of September 2010, He arrived by what in the end is termed "elective cesarean" at 38w gestation, My pregnancy with him was pretty cruisy we had a few hiccups along the way and my blood pressure was well on its way up,  I was trying for vbac but after it was discussed with my doctor at 29w when I had severe pains from old scar tissue ripping apart the risks of ruptured uterus from all the previous surgerys and ceaser it scared the crap out of me, and well when my BP went up at 34 weeks so it was just not gonna happen unless i stayed home and birthed like many of my friends at home, but my husband wouldnt have a bar of it and i was too scared to do that too lol so anyway my little dude arrived screaming earthside on the 8/9/10 at 8.31am, 7 pound 8 and 50cm long :D 

So with this I have become that friend that everyone says they know.. you know the one.. the one who took years and IVF to conceive there first and then bam falls naturally without much drama... the urban legend.... 

So 2011 will be filled hopefully with more vigilant blogging by me! 2010 has been a bit slack especially since Logans arrival but i will endevour to post more!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Once there was a time when we could learn
all the simple pleasantries a follower should yearn
now all that I can do is watch them burn
and wish that I could save them all, or just one

See the Fake, everyday shaking hands of men, promising the end.
Hear Him Speak of all the things that we need to hear, to adhere

Justify, your secrecies that surmise your cries
I see the way you look around the bend
is it going to end, when?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

well not quite

Well its not quite christmas and well it definately isnt cold here but i like the blue christmas theme kit i found recently so heres a new header for the season..  until i can find a aussie themed one hehe
not alot happening i have spent most of the day today sewing and on the phone to telstra.. dont even get me started on that bunch of idiots.. grrrr i hate them
Logan is almost 3 months and is cutting teeth already he is continually drooling all over the place so team up teething and the 12 week growth spurt = no sleep for mumma! i will live though, thats what its all about isnt it? sacrifice :) i woudl give or do anythin for my bubbaloo's.
Marlie is 25 months and is such a little grown up, its amazing how much she has grwon up since Logie came along, she loves her brother to pieces and is always kissing him and sometimes is a little too loving.. almost squishing him with giant bear hugs haha

Monday, November 22, 2010


I gots new hair!! ok well its the same hair just cut it all off lol  After uming and aring about it for the last month or so i finally made the decision to get rid of it and I LOVE IT!! I should of done it ages ago but was thinking along the oh can i be bothered with the styling side of it with the 2 young kiddos and well im just gonna have to now or ill look like a 80's throw back with a rooster cut haha

Monday, November 1, 2010

and then...

well jenjen said my last layout wasnt very "me" so ive made up a purple/pink themed one...
has all my favorite people in it and even a booby pic hahaha.. oh im such a rebel lol

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ok this is all over the place...

Well i haven't blogged properly in a very long time, I use to use this blog as a journal to my time while i underwent my ivf treatment for Marlies conception and somewhere along the line i lost interest and only blog photos and well not much else, how boring for those of you reading if anyone still is that is... lifes been what i wouldn't call easy but pretty smooth since Logan's arrival, im just goin thru the motions really, its the same thing everyday with the odd trip out and about or to visit friends and family, Marlie is now 2 and such a beautiful little soul shes so loving of her brother always gives him kisses and wants to hug him, although she is the queen of throwing tantrums if she doesnt get her own way lol! terrible 2's are well n truly in this household.. she has really taken to wanting to play outside so we got her a trampoline for her birthday (which she got early hehe) and her grandparents got her a swingset for Christmas last year which we set up just before her second birthday as she was way to young to use it at 14 months old lol, Our yard is almost finished, the shed mike wanted is now built and all wired up its freaking 6x7meters and takes up half the yard which is great really as the yard was just wasted space before that got overrun with weeds and looked like shit, so were much more happy with it the way it is now, Logan is 7 weeks old and just started smiling last week but its a daily occurrence now and he makes the cutest little coo's and gah's just one little grin from him and i get an instant smile, makes it all worth while to see him smile. I think were doing the right thing with him, in that Marlie is still our main focus and he fits in around us, i think that is why she hasnt gone feral and we haven't seen one ounce of jealousy from her yet, the only time she gets annoyed is when she wants me to come play with her and im feeding him, which is only something obviously that i can do as there is no bottles in this house for him :D human milk for human babies i always say.

Im not as tired as i thought i would be, In the beginning i was drained but that was more because i was recovering from the ceasarian and had a 2 hourly feeding baby and a toddler who was waking up for a drink as well! things are gettin easier, i havent felt overwhelmed while ive been at home but leaving the house is a whole other ball game, the first MCHN visit i ended up in tears while i was there, today i went shopping with both of them just up to the local woolworths and hey we managed ok! the other day we met friends at the park and again we survived, i dont like attending big things in open spaces with big crowds, they just make me anxious and are so not worth the stress they cause me so i;ve decided to stay the hell away from these type of events, marlie isnt going to remember at 2 yrs old what activitys we did and feel like shes missed out on anything, as long as we are having fun thats the main thing and well we have much more fun at home or at little parks with friends or at playcenters, where i can relax, at the big things i just end up stressing and leaving anyway, marlie just wants to explore and play and has no interest in the activitys so when shes older we will go.

hmmm what else is there meh cant be bothered anymore.. signing off :D

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cheeky boy

I love his smiles, makes it all worth it, hes such a good boy, only wakes twice during the night now goes down at 8.30 then up at around 1-2 then is up again at 5-6 for a feed and back down till 8.30 the only thing i wish he wouldnt whinge so much when he's put down, but hey hes a baby and well who wouldnt want to hold this gorgeous lil man

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Look

I've done a lil overhaul... do you like it? leave me a comment :D

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Cant complain about this huh!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Logans Arrival

Well i know he's been here for almost 2 weeks already!! 
The ceasarian was great, I arrived at the hospital at 6am for my 8am surgery, I was taken to my room and told to unpack and take it easy, they did my obs, BP was ok a little high but nothin for them to stress over, the anethatist came in around  7.30 and i was told it wouldnt be long till someone came and got me for theatre, and he wasnt wrong, he basically left the room to go off to do an epidural for a lady in labour and about 7.45 they arrived for me, I was taken into the waiting area and then once they did all there checks again and identity checks etc i was taken to the theatre waiting area where i was having a good ole chat to the anethatist nurse, and my obstetrician came in and said good morning etc etc, the anethatist arrived just after 8, he had been held up with the epidural he was doing , so they put the bung in my arm and then i was taken into theatre, he actually did the spinal block while i was sitting on the operating table, hunched over in some guys crutch lol i was havin a good ole giggle to myself as my ass and back was exposed to the entire theatre haha, so once the spinal was done just had to wait for it to start actually working... waited and waited and waited...then finally the warmth overtook my legs and finally after a good 10 minutes till i couldnt feel my toes anymore... it was time to start... my doctor was singing as he was doing what he does.. i cant think what the song was but that made me laugh too coz it was some old love song, then i felt the familiar tugs and pushes - best way to describe it.. like having a tooth pulled... then the announcement came ok ready i felt a massive push somewhere around my left ribs and then a few seconds later " aww here baby comes, big head, chubby cheeks" and then the most amazing sound my baby screamed the theatre down haha just like his sister! I asked "it is a boy i hope" and got told "well have a look for yourself" and he was lifted over the curtain and yup there was his doodle! i got the love rush... that thing they all talked about that i never got with marlie due to me being so sick.. i didnt take my eyes off him as he was taken over to the resuss table to have his cord cut.. mike went over and did that and to have his checks done by the pead, then Mike bought him back over, I had told the midwives he was not under any circumstances other then life threatening to be taken away from me as i wanted to feed him and have skin to skin asap, the cheeky bitches asked again if they could take him i said no way... then everything went a lil bad for me, my BP spiked and i felt like i was going to be sick and had massive chest pains.. so yet again i couldnt behave myself during "birth" and I wasnt actually able to even hold Logan till i got into recovery, which was my choice as i didnt feel i could hold him safely, it took them a lil while and quite a few drugs to get me stable enough and for me to stop shaking like a leaf, so yeh we got into recovery and i was able to have skin to skin and it was lovely i held my babe so close, and guided him to my breast and it took him a few minutes but he got the idea and sucked like a champ,  he stayed on my chest skin to skin for over 4 hours and then i finally let them weigh and measure him and he was dressed but came straight back to me again.  I pretty much got everything my way this time around, yes i had an elective ceasarian, its nothing to be ashamed off, i wanted to vbac but this was in my opinion the safest option for my family. 
So without futher ado 

Logan William 
7pound 8ounces - 3.4 kilo
50cm long
35cm head

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

hehehehe SURPRISE!

its 5.15am and Im being admitted at 6am... o0o exciting times ahead...

And here is my blessingway quilt, was a mad rush for miss jenjen to get it finished as she has been ill or jack has been ill lately but i got o my door at 5am and there it was all wrapped up beautifully for me to take into hospi with me!

Thank you to everyone who gave me a square for it looking at it now all together is just unreal!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Necklace.

My Blessingway Necklace

I still havent blogged on the while day.. ive been very very slack but wanted to share my beautiful necklace,
As i wont be able to wear it while in surgery, Im hoping Mike can sneakily wear it under his scrubs so at least it will be close to me when our bubba is bought earthside :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Logan's Nursery & 36 weeks

Well heres my belly lol!! Now for the nursery.. We decided on doing a jungle theme for our little guy! Daddy wanted to do a superman theme! bah i dont think so!!
I was doing all the work so i figure its only fair I get to pick the theme hehe, so i drew up all the lines, the measuring the marking, the taping and then finally the painting! i had forgotten how much work it is to do all these stripes!! But it is soooo worth it!!

The trytych was painted by Mikes grandmother, she is a very talented artist so we figured who better then to do the gorgeous artwork for our lil mans room!!

The mobile, was recycled from Marlies room, It use to have bright pink/purple/orange and yellow balls and jungle animals hanging off it... sooooo did not fit in with this room, but the orange/green/yellow base of it did, so i just cut all the old things off and attatched some little stuffed animals and i must say it has come up really well!! So there is a lion, monkey and elephant hanging off it now! I also went with the jungle themed bumper and cot set, which i had been eyeing off at baby bunting for a few weeks and was lucky enough to just wonder in one day and find the whole set for less then half price!! woo hooo cant beat that! So Here are some piccies :D

Thursday, August 19, 2010

35 weeks

Heres my belly from this morning, he has dropped heaps!

Had my OB appointment today and yep his head is nice and snug down low, not that it matters where he is really anymore, Our ceaser is booked in, did all the paperwork today and handed it to the midwives so we have a date our little guy will be here , I have to monitor my blood pressure closely from here on in as its on the way up and if it breaks over what its already at they will re-access the situation and he could be here earlier but as it stands we dont have much longer left anyway! And its definately a boy as he finally decieded to show us his bits and there is definately a big set of ballies in there!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Im a doushebag...
i was bored so made this header for my blog...
made it more "me"
i should probly have something about mike n marlie in there but meh im having a ME ME ME day hahaha
do you like the new layout?

Monday, August 16, 2010

having a weird ole day..

almost 35 weeks...
only a few more short weeks till our little man is evicted and he will be here in our arms...
how odd...
is it weird that it still hasnt sunk in that we're having another baby... i think until im in there on the table and they bring him over the curtain for us to see i dont think it will be real... hes making me very headachey and i know im pregnant.. trust me i know it lol but the idea that there is actually going to be a baby at the end of it seems so foreign n strange...

Friday, August 13, 2010


It turns out my whinging isnt all for nothing, I decided to take a trip to the GP yesterday after coughing up more crap and thinking that my "cold" maybe wasnt just a cold after all or a vial infection that keeps gettin told to me by my OB... and well i have a chest and throat infection and my sinus has been playing up too which is probly whats been causing most of my stupid headaches, so i am on antibiotics now and hopefully i start getting better, i have been back on my multi-vitamins for a few days now too which i dunno if they are doing much but im taking them none the less, next check up with my OB is next thursday arvo so get to see our lil guy again as i get a scan at every visit.. one of the perks of being private he has a machine in his rooms, but mind u bubba is so big now u cant really tell what ur looking at anyway lol as long as i see his heart beating away its all good for me, we do all the paperwork at the next appointment for the ceaser too.. ahh the joys.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


my heads pounding, i have a cold or flu or something starting, im tired my hips hurt and i wana go to bed.
that is all... whinge whinge whinge

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

34 weeks!!

Hello Belly!

Friday, August 6, 2010

1 day!

till my blessingway!
something completely different and new to me and i am very honored my good friends Kintara & JenJen are organising it for me! Its VERY hard for me not to take over things and i was asked to surrender complete control lol so i have been kept out of the planning and well everything so i have no idea what tomorrow will bring lol i just hope my friends turn up and bring the things they were asked too =D
None of my sisters will be present which is a little annoying and hurtful but they arent interested in "that hippy shit" and would be "uncomfortable" so have chosen not to attend... pfft oh well the people who will be here are the ones that care enough to step outside there comfort zone for a few hours and i thank them in advance..

P.S - We have a date for Logans arrival as he will be coming via ceaser which sorta contradicts the whole meaning of having a blessingway but as i was trying for a VBAC and i only found out yesterday this plan wont be going ahead due to my already rising blood pressure (148/88) and other complications due to previous surgerys for my endometriosis and the previous ceaser, the safest way for us is to have another surgical delivery..

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


ok im bored...
i have cleaned the house...
i am sitting here contemplating what to pack in my hospital bag...
i went and got the layby today and got a flat tyre while i was there... thank god my stepdad was able to come and change it for me, something i hated having to do.. the whole damsel in distress thing, had i not been pregnant i woulda done it myself.. its not rocket surgery but my 18" alloy wheels are just to heavy to be lugging around with the belly, not worth the risk of damaging myself but yeh so he came to my rescue lol =D
But it was worth the trip to baby bunting even with the flat tyre as i was able to get the cot set i had been eyeing off that i kept saying no im not gettin it too expensive cant justify it blah blah blah for less then half price hooorah!
So Logans room is almost done and finished woot

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

33 Weeks

Holy snappin duckshit... theres not long to go now... just took this before i got dressed...
i need to take an arvo photo i think i look tiny for only 7 weeks till term... although he will be evacuated in more like 5-6 weeks

This Arvo's photo... now that hes come off my back and i may of eaten a big lunch hahaha but looks more like how i feel hehehe

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mummabears 50th

So It was my mummabears 50th Birthday over the weekend, was a great night enjoyed by all that attended, She wanted a 50's theme so thats what she got! Here are some piccies :D

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

31 weeks

WOOOOOO Belly growth and you can see the pink in my hair now how really bright it is haha

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Im gonna start this blog with a whinge... i have a headache..  :(

But we now have got everything sorted for my mummabears 50th this weekend, mikes costume is all sorted, as is mine.. just gotta get one more thing of my friend Jen and im done... did my hair this arvo and im now sporting a hot pink fringe haha havent had pink in my hair for about 4? months, Its much brighter in real life lol dam iphone makin it look all dull n crap...  and no i havent cut my hair it was just pulled back in a pony tail haha oh and look no make up haha will take another pic with my proper camera soon... just gotta find the cable so i can xfer the pics to the pc!  little tealeaf marlie has run off with it im guessing...

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Well after the saga that was saturday, i had my 30w check up on tuesday, I am 3 kilos LIGHTER then when i got pregnant and im measuring a few weeks behind apparantly.... not that it makes any difference to anything, no big deal Logans heart is nice and strong and he's always kicking me so i know all is well, my BP was perfect! 110/70, Can u believe it! Its the best its been since i had Marlie! so thats great news! I dont see my OB now till the 5th of August as he's gone away for 2 weeks and yeh the first appointment wasnt till then instead of the 27th of July like its meant to be haha, hopefully when i get to that appointment everything is still good with me.. my BP shot up out of control at 33 weeks which is what i will be at my next appointment.. so im a little on edge about that, but positive thinking right!!

Pic is me today at 30w4d :D

Monday, July 12, 2010

A lil scare

Well i spent the day in hospital on saturday.. I woke up feeling really sick and had a very bad headache, I hadnt felt Logan move all night and was getting tightenings so i rang the midwives and they told me to come straight down, so I got dressed and organised and told Mike to stay home with Marlie as it was probably just my BP playin up and i should be back home soon... well i get there at 11am and they thought i was in preterm labour, they were erratic but being 29 weeks they didnt want to take any chances, My doc came finally at about 4.30, he had been caught up at another hospital with 2 ceasers and a problematic induction but kept ringing to see how i was so i was being monitored by the midwives and him via phone, The pains in my tummy were so intense I hadnt eaten anything all day as the middys were playin the "just in case" card so hadnt given me anything, no pain relief, food nothing.. just water! i finally got 2 panadiene forte from him and he let me have them waited for them to settle in and then took me for a scan, and depending on what he could see in there would determie if i had to have the internal.. Turns out well i wasnt in pre-term labor and Logan is fine and has turned to head down position so from the scan he could see around my ceaser scar and other scar tissue i have in the area from my 8 other abdominal surgerys ( laps due to endo) the tissue had all ripped away from there, apparantly i have very touchy scar tissue due to all the freakin surgerys ive had and the previous ceaser, so now he wants to book me in for another ceaser, he doesnt think my uterus will make it thru labour, so any hope of a VBAC has basically been thrown out the window.. I see him again tuesday and will discuss it more with him then, Its all good though, ill deal with it just like everythin else, as my last ob said "most women can give birth in the middle of a field.. your just not one of them" go me.. doc wanted me to stay overnight but i wanted to come home.. so i did, they never actually admitted me so i figured why pay the excess just to stay the night when i was ok enough to come home, but i was under strict if anythin happens or it gets worse to come straight back instructions, got home at about 7, had some dinner as i hadnt eaten since 9am, had a shower, threw up my dinner while i was in the shower (gross) and then almost passed out, my hubby reckons the water was too hot, so i just went straight to bed after that, (oh and i forgot to say hubby had taken our daughter to his mums at about 2 and had been with me from then at the hospital) i had no idea i was in lala land from the panadiene on the previously empty tummy.. so bring on tuesday and will see where i stand i guess... oh and my BP was good 130/80 i think? and no protein so no sign of pre eclampsia so far *hooray*

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Just realized I haven't posted a belly shot for awhile so heres somethin a little different :P
I just took this now when i got out of the shower... belly is feeling massive now!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Backyard blitz.... AGAIN

Well after 5 years I have finally allowed Mike to get the shed he's always wanted
So operation kill the backyard is on again.. this will be the 4th makeover my poor yard has gone thru, from ripping out the pool, then woodchipping the entire thing, paving, then getting rid of the woodchips, turfing etc etc it just doesnt stop lmao and im never ever happy with it so today Mike took the steps in showing that he seriously wants his big shed by gutting our little garden shed and removing some of the sides, everything that was in that shed has been thrown besides some paint and the lawnmower! Just goes to show it was a junk horder!! so it will be completely gone by next weekend hopefully, we just gotta work out how to get rid of the concrete slab and then all the sleepers will be removed and then the dingo will be coming in to level it all out ready for the new concrete and that once the permit has been approved, oh also the washing line will be going too... so gonna a new one of them too lol we have a  6 foot easement at the back of our property, so the shed that can fit in there is 6mx7m, it will take up less then half of our massive yard so all is well in the world... We were originally going to fix up the patio but it would cost us over 10 grand and our shed including everything is going to be around the 7 grand mark so very happy to do that over the patio, cant use the patio in winter too cold but a huge shed... ahhh pool table, air hockey table, couches fully carpeted...gas heaters.... its gonna be awesome :D

Monday, June 28, 2010

Flying by...

Can you believe im in the third trimester?!?!?! This pregnancy is just flying by! Mike only has to work in the morning hopefully tomorrow so i really hope he can come to my OB appointment with us tomorrow at 4pm!  My OB recently invested in a little scanning machine for his rooms which is very exciting especially as hes so much bigger now we should be able to get a good view of his face and hands etc :D 

My bestie is havin such a stressful time lately with her preg and im praying something happens tomorrow if not the latest wednesday so her pain and stress can all go away and her little man will be here safe. thinkin of u babes xxxxxx

Saturday, June 19, 2010


why did i pick stripes again... didnt i learn the first time i did them for Marlies room... omg its so time consuming... the taping up takes forever!! ugh lol

Thursday, June 17, 2010

whinge whinge whinge lol

heres a blog now shhhh lol
26 weeks...
excuse the mess... going thru clothes and thats my throw out pile lol

belly is growing nicely, thats today 26w1d

Marlie has been very sick as most of you know and required a hospital visit, her first ever! were not one to rush off to doctors normally but when i had to come home from dinner for JenJens birthday and saw my baby having so much trouble breathing and with a temp of 39.2 i sorta paniced and thought it better safe then sorry, we were there from 10pm till about 4am!

My poor bubba in hospi.. and all of you know how bright and happy and well diva like my baby girl is and to see her like this broke my heart. she stayed on my lap like this the entire time we were there, being kicked by her brother the whole time, it was like having a little furnace on my belly her temp was just raging out of control and peaked at 39.8 

And here is my happy bubba, painting up a storm! She loves it so i got her to do a little canvas which is now hanging on her wall in her room, i got her to do a handprint on it too which got a little smudged but meh oh well!! thats all part of the fun right?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Just a quickie to post pics...  I was a little bored today so decieded to jazz them up a bit... something i have been neglecting... i love editing photos and making something awesome out of something plain, i guess you could call it my hobby haha yay a hobby that is sorta crafty and still in digital form, the first 3 are just borders and text but the very bottom picture is a little bit more spesh, i have taught myself basically everything i know about editing and graphic design.. i am gettin alot better at it these days, reading more and just playing round with things haha amazing what you forget though!! Im gonna post the invite i made up for my mummabear as well for her 50th....

Everything is going well with the pregnancy, bp is stable, Marlie is a little terror haha her curiosity is unbelievable and she just climbs anything and everything, each day she says something new and knows what so many things are so if we say hey marlie wheres so n so she goes and gets the right thing, much a clever little munchkin :D

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I have been neglecting my blog yet again!!

Well a lot has happened over the last few weeks we found out we are expecting a little boy!!
Very exciting times ahead, Mike is wrapt I at first to be honest was a little not disappointed but just in shock i guess, my whole life i have always thought i would only have daughters, coming from a predominately female family.. ie i have 3 sisters... my mum has 2 and 1 brother... then my nan a only child... my great grandmother was one of 5 with 3 sisters and only one brother so you get the idea here! and even my hubbys family is manily girls as well so yeh just thought it was another girl haha i have since come around to the idea even though it still doesnt feel real lik ei have seen his bits and had it confirmed but yeh lol i guess i will have to see it to beleive it haha, we are painting his nursery into as jungle theme which i cant wait to start doing!! Mike's Omi is painting us a tripych for his wall with all jungle scenes and animals and yeh i love painting so just cant wait tio get it started!!

Here is a scan pic proving there is a willy and you can see his arm up next to his head and his eye sockets lol , i only got one printed shot so i have taken this off the video and well the scan didnt go that great as bubby just wouldnt co-operate and move in the right way so get that perfect profile shot he had his back to us most of the time which was a bit disapointing but not to worry we saw enough to know hes in there and his heart is fine and everything is well in the world with him :D

Here is my belly shot for week 22 as well!