Monday, October 19, 2009


ok so im on day 4 of gonal @ 450 and i have this horrible sick feeling and sharp pains on the left hand side, i will ring my nurse in the morning and see what she has to say she might get me in for a scan to see whats happening.. Marlie's birthday was on the 16th, i cant believe my baby just turned one! she will be 16 before i know it, where does the time go... she's walking talking running even and gettin into everything talk about the hard work starts now lol before it was all just play time on the floor and feed and put to bed but shes so much fun now, laughs and pulls faces at us and snorts and does the matching piggy face to go with it hehe god i love my little munchkin, at least i know if this cycle is bust then i will always have her, and i count my lucky stars everyday that i am lucky enough to of been blessed with her.