Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 29

OK so i was concerned about my syranel.. it wasnt pumping right, like only half the time it would actually pump the full amount of spray out so i rang the clinic, and straight away Jo ( my nurse) said to swap it over at the chemist, so hopefully now that i have swapped it it will work properly, but the chemist warned me it was from the same batch but hopefully wont have the same issues, my nose bleeds have stopped!! yay i only get the occasional small hint of blood if i blow my nose, another good thing is i am booked in for my first scan on the 16th at 10am :) then the day after that i will start injections provided everything is quiet and then another scan a week after that n then fingers crossed go on for my egg pick up!! yay it feels like there is something happening again :)
oh also she was surprised that i havent had a bleed yet as i stopped the pill on tuesday but i do have lower back cramps so fingers crossed i will beat the 1st of july so i dont get the price rise!!

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