Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I have a problem

Hi My names Ebony and Im a wow addict... yes world of warcraft has consumed my real world i play about 5-6 hours every day sometimes more... how do i have time for this i hear you saying... well marlie goes to bed for 2hours twice a day and then is down from 7pm most nights so when i should be cleaning to the house or other things i am here sittin on my ass behind my laptop levelling my toons and gearing my 80... sigh see that toon in the pic.. thats winyfred shes my lvl 80 warlock, to my guild that is who i am so everyone calls me winy as i play her the most i have spent according to the game 29 days playing... it is calculated in hours so that is almost a whole month of my life playing non stop... it has been spread out over the last 22 months though... but wow that is sad huh so i am on a mission to cut back play time, i actually took a one month break once before and didnt really miss it all that bad but then started playing again and sigh... hooked again


Kint said...

you nerd.... i never would have guessed... its all out in the open now miss ebby

goosiegander said...