This is one of my most favorite photos of my breast feeding journey with Marlie, I love how she is sitting up next to me, she was so tiny.
This was i think her 2nd maybe 3rd feed and well obviously assisted, while i was in CCU after my horrible birth experience.
I couldnt sit up after havin the ceaser so there was no way i could hold her myself as I was just to weak from all the drugs and the miriad of wires connected to me but there was no way in hell my baby would be formula fed, they bought her to me every 3 hours for her feeds, and come and hand expressed me during the night to ensure my milk would come in as the drugs i was on could kill any hope of breast feeding, the midwives at PPH were just awesome and I am going back there for my next birth, the support was just fantastic.
I succesfully fed her till she was 8 months old she started showing signs of weaning whic i now know is typical of that age group but we saw it as that and then we made the descion to start IVF again, i fed her thru my FET cycle, and when that didnt work she had to be weened before i could start my drugs for the next full on cycle, and well we all know the outcomes of that waste of time, so i live with the guilt of depriving my child everyday and miss our closeness that we shared but she is still a happy healthy baby toddler. My next journey will be alot longer and im hoping Marlie may just want to come back to me.
Beautiful ebz :)
Looking forward to sharing the next journey with you :D
My/Kint/Jen's aba group has "Adventures in Tandem Nursing", THE book on feeding more than one. Free loan to members :)
G has had a few feeds of expressed milk since H was born. I'm not overly game to put her back to the breast (although my current possible blocked duct is making me reconsider) but she is getting some milk and for that I'm stoked. I often feel sad about the fact that I weaned her at 5 weeks preg (she was 14m6d old) but I didn't feel that I had a choice.
Beautiful beautiful photo :D
love that poor marlz is smaller than your some big mumma jugs you got woman....
Gorgeous pic Ebz ;-D Marlie looks so cute all propped up at Muma's giant booby!
8mths is still a good run, she got her colostrum, and she got exclusive bm until solids.....PLEASE don't beat yourself up over it Ebby, you are such a great Muma ;)
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