Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Had my scan today and heres my baby!! 11w4d, you can see the bubbys yolk sac behind shim, looks like its slung its balls onto shis back hahaha HB 173 bpm, 5.23cm long, nuchal fold was only 1.2mm so looking VERY good and healthy hooray!!
I was so stressed the last few days, dreaming of downs syndrome and edwards syndrome and all those horrible sad trisomy problems and Dr Atchison reckons everythin is fine in there and i should have nothing to worry about so hooray again!!



Emma said...

woohoo!! beautiful bubby ebz :)

Rainbow JenJen said...

What a great shot! Is it 4d?
I love the "shim" and "shis"....sounds like you got a lisp, lol!!
Woot woot!!!
So, does that make you 12wks on friday? I have a special secret suprise that I have been working on and thought 12wks would be a great time to gift it ;)

Anonymous said...

What a Beautiful Bub Eb, I am so happy for you that everything is going well :)

eBz said...

Thanks everyone it's so very very exciting! Yup 12 weeks Friday.. What u up to jenjen u sneaky minx! Lol

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