- I had the balls to be a homebirther
- Had the guts to ignore what the doctors tell me and had the support in my family to do so
- Could feel what labour feels like, even for a hour
- I didnt have that niggling what if factor, and could just stay home like my friends tell me.. but as i was once told by my OB "Most women can give birth in a field and have no issues, you are not one of them" confidence in my body is non existant.
I am however very excited about the blessingway my friends are going to organise for me.. im really lookin forward to it in the future when my bellys all big and round
despite never having a blessingway OR ever having been to one, we are gonna throw you the best damn blessingway anyone has EVER seen...
luckily im a good researcher and i have some pretty awesome sources.... and not the usual suspects you are thinking... i have more hippy friends than you know...
If you hire a midwife you don't need to have the guts to homebirth, you just effing do it and she's there with the safety net on the off chance you need it. But you won't ;)
155 days is plenty to explore the fear, face it, find a midwife, embrace a homebirth plan ;)
But you knew I'D say that :D
Oh Ebby....you put it out there...you're gonna get your homebirthing pals chatting you up to wanting it more! ....but maybe that's WHY you put it out there?? Subconsciously ;)
Staying home would be your best chance of vbac. And, you're booked in to hospi, so it's still there as a back-up.
Oooooh....ask Jenni to watch her births!!! They're awesome....you will think of nothing else after you view them. It really empowered me to feel confident in my decision to want a homebirth ;)
Oh and the Blessingway....it'll knock ya socks off ;p
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