Thursday, August 19, 2010

35 weeks

Heres my belly from this morning, he has dropped heaps!

Had my OB appointment today and yep his head is nice and snug down low, not that it matters where he is really anymore, Our ceaser is booked in, did all the paperwork today and handed it to the midwives so we have a date our little guy will be here , I have to monitor my blood pressure closely from here on in as its on the way up and if it breaks over what its already at they will re-access the situation and he could be here earlier but as it stands we dont have much longer left anyway! And its definately a boy as he finally decieded to show us his bits and there is definately a big set of ballies in there!!


goosiegander said...

still got no ass :)

eBz said...

lol one day nat... one day hahaha

goosiegander said...

nah ot unless you get ass smaller this time round?

eBz said...

yeh heaps smaller...its a different shape then what i was with marlie, and by this stage with her i had severe pre-eclampsia so was quite swollen whereas i havent got it this time yet! so no real swelling and no fluid weight gain, its quite a compact bump! weight gain is only 1.5 kilos and thats been put on this week!

goosiegander said...

how did you do his nursery up?

Rainbow JenJen said...

Ebby, you said you were gonna post pics of Logie's room after the blessingway ;p Go on....let them all see!!

eBz said...

i still havent put his paintings up, i tried the other night but they fell down! tried using thos e3m command adhesive strip thingys.. so now i gotta think of another way to hang them! once there up ill do a whole blog post on it :D